
State Farm | Dog Friendly Fourth


State Farm


Dog Friendly Fourth



State Farm relaunched with a big platform, promising to "Here to help life go right". We wanted to bring this idea to life, in more ways than just messaging. We started with America's favorite holiday, and found an unlikely group in need of help.

While American's love Independence Day, dogs absolutely hate it. The loud booms, hissing and other firework sounds creates stress, anxiety, and in many cases causes them to run away from home. In fact, July 5th is the busiest day for dog shelters in America – forcing many pet owners to stay home and care for their dog. 

We decided to help this group by creating doggie earmuffs – designed to reduce the noise of fireworks, and help dogs stay calm. Prior to the Fourth we shipped out hundreds to concerned dog owners all over who expressed their fear on social media.